path handling, Crypto, China & India Internet, IPsec, ZingChart

Post date: Nov 2, 2014 10:25:44 AM url handing handles url's as real paths, even if paths do not refer to real paths at all. Is this a good or bad design? I don't know. I'm just curious why they're doing it like this.

I'm just curious why parts of URL are considered as (real) path with previous directory links. Is there any way do disable this? Or is it mandatory to use parameter for that?


request: /request

returns: /request

but ...

request: /request/..

returns: /

request: /request/../testing

returns: /testing

Why? It also might look like or sound like potential flaw? But I assume this is intentional.

Of course /request?q=.. works by passing parameter q=.. to /request

Also using %2f instead of . interestingly enough works.

I tried Googling around and I didn't find proper answer for this particular question.

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