Cloudflare, Route48, ISO, DevOps, UUID, pywinrm
Wasted again a few hours debugging Cloudflare and broken routing issues. So annoying... So extremely annoying... Should have learned by now that if something is broken, it should be ignored for a few days, before doing any debug work at all. Otherwise you'll just tie yourself up with issues which will get eventually fixed anyway. (@ - Finland IPv6 PoP is now open. With WireGuard VPN support. Awesome. They also provide free static IPv6 addresses even if you're behind NAT / CGNAT and also (almost) all ports are open and free to use. Excellent stuff for home labbers and nerds. Or just basically for anyone needing IPv6, because their ISP is retarded and doesn't provide IPv6 connectivity with (optional) static addressing.
Information Security Operations, in more detail erasure and leak prevention operation. One facility got closed down. It was huge data erasure and security operation to clean it up and destroy all sensitive data. The facility had been in operation for a while. In archive cabinets we found backups from 1973 (yes, on tapes) and lot of ZIP disks. Huge numbers of later hard drives including PATA and SATA connectors, SCSI RAID arrays and so on. Most of stuff got crushed, only very small part got wiped and reset, including latest work stations and laptops. Everything else had to go. I also found 8 MB USB flash drive, that must have been very expensive back at the time.
Lot of discussion about DevOps, CI/CD, automated testing, and so on. What's the project scope, when it's necessary. Should all developers be involved with end users and so on. Classic, very classic questions.
Helped a friend to secure their network using a bastion host. Now access is only granted using WireGuard with ... Yeah the usual drill. On top of that there's also host network AS list, if session is tried from wrong source, the connection and account will get immediately flagged and terminated.
I've never personally understood the eagerness to use UUIDs. Here we got a bunch of new UUID formats / types. Let's see when Python standard library includes these. - New UUID format draft 03 (@
Some others seem to like playing with stuff and DNS like I. Here's some DNS toys (@ Yet I'm wondering when they hear about future technology called IPv6, it seems to be too challenging and complex technology for them.
Found Python pywinrm package (@ - for enabling winrm management using Python, awesomeness.
Watched a documentary series Inside the Mossad. Lots of interesting historic operations reviewed and commented.
DevOps - Just do it! - Had long discussion about specifications and requirements. Some people think it's just better to write some code and then organically grow it. I personally think that's just the pattern which usually leads to very bad results. If system is designed to work correctly, then it can be implemented correctly, and if there's something wrong it's a bug. If there's no design, result is something and is that then acceptable? At least I would do that with any important program. Of course, I do that with some random ad hoc scripts I write in Python. That's why I love Python. But if the scope / program grows a little, it would require refactoring or it easily becomes totally unmanageable ad-hoc on ad-hoc, technical dept, let's add this trick we don't need to change that and... Yes, I've seen that so many times. Naturally, making full refactoring when it's clear what is needed would help, but it takes time, can implement new bugs and is expensive. So far, I haven't really seen anyone willing to pay for it. Then you'll end up with the big mess in production, which nobody wants to touch. Now please, somebody tell me, I'm completely wrong about this and I don't know what I'm talking about. Because I would love to hear the opposing statements.
Something different? Hypersonic Multi-mission ISR and Strike (MAYHEM)? DarkStar? SR-72? Aurora? - Way interesting stuff, but who knows...